We are delighted to be able to publish a photo of the newly machined extension…
Repairs completed to 3840’s chimney
REPAIRS to the former ‘Hall’ chimney (ex-No. 4953 Pitchford Hall) acquired for County of Montgomery have now been completed by Cast Iron Welding Services at Coalville in Leicestershire.
The chimney suffered damage to its base during removal from No. 4953 during the loco’s most recent overhaul, and was subsequently replaced by a chimney previously carried by 2-8-0 No. 3850. However the casting was still usable and, following purchase by the CCT, it was despatched to Coalville for repairs to be carried out.
The work was completed at the beginning of March and has seen the cracks and broken base section seamlessly repaired. This was achieved by heating the chimney to 600˚C and gas fusion welding the damaged areas. After the welding was complete the repaired sections were ground back to the original profile ready for the re-drilling of any filled bolt holes.
The result is a chimney fit for many years’ service on No. 3840, and it will be delivered to Tyseley Locomotive Works as soon as the coronavirus restrictions are lifted.
The repaired ex-‘Hall’ chimney is pictured crated up in early March ready for shipment to Tyseley. – CAST IRON WELDING SERVICES