Front End assembly
With the machining of the cylinders, racking plate angles, extension frames and the bogie pivot pin we have all the major parts required to assemble the front end. The buffer beam and its related angles and frames are already in…
With the machining of the cylinders, racking plate angles, extension frames and the bogie pivot pin we have all the major parts required to assemble the front end. The buffer beam and its related angles and frames are already in…
The cylinders have been going through several machining passes at CMS in November and December. We finished the year with most of the machining done and CMS are now onto the machining of the cylinder bores and piston valve bores…
Literally, the cab steps are being assembled at TLW, and the brackets have been fixed to the rear of the main frames where the steps will be eventually be fitted. There are a lot of things to be assembled in…
The Racking Plate Angles have been machined from solid at CMS, the originals would have been forged. Here they are shown after rough machining. The metal has been left to stress relieve naturally in this condition before they are finally…
The cylinder appeal was launched to fund the casting and machining of the cylinders. As we approach the final machining of the cylinders the appeal is close to being fully funded with £5,000 of the £40,000 required outstanding. If you…
Since the previous post, where we had had a set back with the contractor who was to machine the cylinders, we are pleased to announce that the latest contractor we have approached are more than happy to do the work…
As part of the assembly of the front end of 3840 along with the cylinders, extension frames and racking plate we also need the racking plate angles which join all the above components together. In GWR days these would have…
We have manged to negotiate a good deal for the material to manufacture the coupling and connecting rods. As such we now have some billet in stock at Somers Forge ready for when we can afford to forge the rods…
Progress on the Bogie Pivot pin casting has reached the stage where we have had the casting cast. It now awaits machining to the finished state. The order for the production of the casting through to machining has been assigned…
Goodmans of Nottingham have manufactured the remainder of the fabrications for the front end of the frames. These comprise the two box sections which form the extremities of the buffer beam and the two angle trays that support the centre…