With the machining of the cylinders, racking plate angles, extension frames and the bogie pivot…

3840 gets its DRAGBOX as rear end takes shape
PROGRESS on the construction of County of Montgomery’s main frames continues at Tyseley Locomotive Works, with the current focus being at the back end beneath where the cab will eventually sit.
Most recently the newly fabricated dragbox, specially designed by Elliot Powick, was offered up to the frames and secured in place
ABOVE: The fabricated dragbox in situ in the frames at Tyseley Locomotive Works. DAVID BRADSHAW
The rear drag beam is being worked on in parallel and this will be installed in due course once the ancillary components to support the drawbar have been fitted. The two rubbing plates will then be fitted to the drag beam.
Meanwhile the drawings for the cab, splashers and running plate are nearing completion, and these will be manufactured and fitted while work on the four coupled wheels continues off site. The goal is to have the rear portion of the main frames wheeled in readiness for work recommencing on the front end later next year.
ABOVE: No. 3840’s drag beam is marked up ready for fitting to the rear of the main frames. DAVID BRADSHAW